Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hadeda Recipe

Hadeda Recipe

Normally the hadeda is protected game and it is illegal in South Africa to kill one for the purposes of consuming it. Should you happen to kill one anyway and want to cook it up, here is the recipe to do so.


1 Cup chopped onions

1 Cup chopped carrots

1 Cup shredded cabbage

5 Potatoes, peeled and cut up

25 Cups water

Salt and spices to taste


Since the hadeda is a large bird the only way to really cook it is by using a cast iron pot. Before cooking make sure all the feathers have been removed as well as the giblets / inner organs. Make a fire and put the pot into the fire to start the cooking process. Add the bird and the water and bring to the boil. Once boiling add the potatoes and carrots. Leave to cook at least 5 hours. If you notice the water level is getting low during the cooking process add more water. Add then the cabbage and onions and leave for another 3 hours. Test the bird to see if it is edible. It probably wont be as it is a very tough bird. Add more water when required to.

Continue with the process until the cast iron pot becomes tender, then throw away the hadeda and eat the pot.